I just read the part where King Galbatorix commits suicide! Isn't that scary? He's like, "Make it stop!" and Eragon says,"No." Then he shouts,"Waise neiat!" and disappears!  Long live Queen Arya!!!!!! YAY! She's awesome!!!!!  ARYA IS THE BEST YAY! No offense, Eragon, but your decision in the end was KINDA STUPID of you. Well, Angela was right. You shall never come back to Alagaesia. Oh well.
Half Dragoness
4/15/2013 11:31:05 am

I agree with you. It is dumb when Galby commits suicide. Also, Arya is a better queen then Nasuada. Elves are epicer then humans by a whole lot. You know how elves wear circlets? I have one and its really cool. ( you can kind of tell i'm addicted to elves, but not the kind that's Santas minions) ELVES ARE EPIC!!!!!!! BYE!

5/1/2013 10:41:46 am

Its not MY fault I died.... oh wait... I'm not dead! I will get you Dragon Rider!!!! And you too Half Dragoness!!!! And Saphira!!! ( I really hate Saphira) You will all die!!!! (cue evil laugh) Also, Half Dragoness, I have nothing to do with the Death Star.... what the heck is it anyway??? I know where you go to school!!! Green Hope Elementary!!!!! You will die!!! Eragon Shadeslayer too!
Warning: He will come to Green Hope and make more trouble for you!!!!
Soon I will make the three of you; Half Dragoness, Saphira, Dragon Rider; All Dragon Riders and I will enslave you!!!!! Mwahahahahaha!!!!

Half Dragoness
5/1/2013 10:42:57 am

Galby, nice acting, but its not Halloween yet you know.

A Guy Named Joe
5/1/2013 10:46:09 am

Arent you going to kill me too Galby? Arent I annoying?

5/1/2013 10:47:05 am

Yes. I will enslave you too. You seem to be asking for it.

5/4/2013 08:00:28 am

Yeah haha Half Dragoness good one

5/4/2013 07:57:00 am

Oh yeah, Dragon Riders are so cool... WAIT!!! I AM A DRAGON HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF---- oh.

5/4/2013 08:01:50 am

Yo Galby, this is you:
"I suffer without my stone. Do not prolong my suffering."


5/4/2013 08:04:22 am

Galby, do you really not know what Death Star is? Havn't you ever heard of Star Wars? I guess evil dudes are pretty dumb in Saturn's Core...

6/26/2013 04:39:09 am

I am not dumb! I shall enslave you and all your puny Erafan friends! Mwahahahahaha!

Half Dragoness
3/15/2014 03:16:39 am

And we shall throw you at Percy Jackson. And he will murder your face. BECAUSE PERCY JACKSON IS EPIC!!! Sorry. I'm a PJO fan as well.

What?!? Why are you staring at me like that? I can be a fan of multiple things.

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    I am a huge fan of Eragon. I would prefer not to give away my real name, though!


    April 2013

